12 Lettere

Commission for Sokew89 . This is the cover for her fanfiction - from Frozen fandom – named “12 Lettere” (12 Letters), a beautiful story about King Peter of the Southern Islands and how he’s going to face Hans’ punishment. No spoilers, so, for Italian readers, you can find her story here. Enjoy it!

Anidalaweek 2019 – the things we do for love

anidalaweek2019-languages copia

Anidala week 2019, day 4: favourite headcanon. Padme, at night, trying to learn Huttese to make Ani feel more at home.

Inspired by a lovely headcanon I saw in many fanfictions and so well described by Keblava , which you can find here

Oh, the things we do for love.

for those who are language-nerds enough like me, below you find the reference for Huttese.

website for translations: starwars.myrpg.org/coruscant_t…
fonts for nal-huttese: www.eaglefonts.com/nal-huttese…

transliteration of the sentences in the comic:

hello how are you? * achute peai dotke uba?
fine thank you *luto sonpa
would you like to meet me tonight? * hatkocanh uba bacaka bai manpanh mi venapkee?
surely I would, angel * gahke jee hatkocanh, banzai